Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Upcycled Products on Etsy

Here are some awesome itmes that I found while purusing Etsy. Each is made from recycled materials and each one rocks!

1. an Upcycled 'Too cute tealy denim' Waste Wonderful wristlet:

I love this wristlet. It is so original. My fav part about it is that it is probably 100% unique. You could purchase this and know that no one will have one that is exacly the same. Yay for originality!

2. Bon Bon - The Blushing Woodland Squirrel Plush:

This little plush squirrel is just too cute. The rosy cheeks and coy little smile are just adorable. I might just have to buy one for myself.

3. Recycled Wine Bottle Glass -- Four Green Upcycled Wine Bottle Tumblers:

I love wine and anything wine related. These glasses made from wine bottles are really cool. I could imagine using them, along with some colorful, mismatched dinner plates and table linens, for a casual dinner party with friends. What a great idea.

4. Upcycled Tie Onesie:

This baby onesie with a built in tie makes me want to have a baby (almost). This would make the perfect gift for any career minded infant.


  1. I love this series!! That scrap bag is now on my 'to do list'! Thanks for finding and sharing!

  2. Thanks, April. I'm glad you like it!
